50+ The Odyssey Book 16 Pictures. (16) how does eumaeus react to telemach… (16) what seems to be odysseus' reactio… (16) what comment from telemachus moves… (16) what is the point that odysseus is… welcomes him like a father (amazed, rushes to greet him, hugs/… Telemachos arrives to find eumaios chatting with a beggar.
Murray 1 meanwhile the two in the hut, odysseus and the goodly swineherd, had kindled a fire, and were making ready their breakfast at dawn, and had sent forth the herdsmen with the droves of swine.
It is obvious that he loves him like a son. Joe estrin, julian bregstone, anna odriscoll. Get a detailed summary and analysis of every chapter in the book from bookrags.com. The odyssey book 16, translated by a.